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오세윤의 photogallery

Sunset over Hwangryongsa Temple Site

by taeshik.kim 2018. 1. 21.

Photo by Seyun Oh

Hwangnyongsa, or Hwangnyong Temple (also spelled Hwangryongsa) is the name of a former Buddhist temple in the city of Gyeongju, South Korea.

Completed in the 7th century, the enormous 9-story structure was built entirely with wood with interlocking design with no iron nails.

It had a standing total height of 80 m (262ft), making it the tallest structure in East Asia and the tallest wooden structure in the world at the time of its construction.

It was the center of state-sponsored Buddhism during the Silla and Unified Silla eras which were cultural beacons of Buddhism during its time.

Its name means "Golden/Yellow Dragon Temple" or "Emperor/Imperial Dragon Temple."

Archaeological excavations and other scientific studies of the temple began in April 1976 and continue today.


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