Tomb of King Sinmun, Gyeongju / 경주 신라 신문왕릉/ 慶州新羅神文王陵

세상의 모든 역사 2019. 3. 31. 20:27

Tomb of King Sinmun, Gyeongju
Historic Site No. 181

This is presumed to be the tomb of King Sinmum, the 31st ruler of the Silla Kingdom.

The king who reigned from 681 to 692 AD, was the eldest son of King Munmu who unified the Three Kingdoms. 

이 이상한 식물이 '산자고'라 한다.

King Sinmun firmly established royal absolutism, improving the government system, and promoting national studies by establishing a national institute to train future leaders.

상석床石이라 흔히 하는데, 조선시대 왕릉에서는 혼유석魂遊石에 해당한다.

봉분 아래를 둘러 쌓은 돌무더기인 호석護石을 보호하는 받침돌인데, 보다시피 사다리꼴 모양으로 만들었다. 모두 44개가 확인된다.

The round earthen mound is 92m in circumference, and 30m in diameter and 8m in height.

Five layers of brick-shaped rocks surround the base of the mound. 

Positioned at rather short intervals are stone pillars to support the stone structure around the base and tomb itself. 

산자고를 찍는다는 어느 장모님

It's me
