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Songgwangsa Temple, Suncheon | 順天松廣寺 | 순천 송광사

by taeshik.kim 2019. 6. 25.

Located at Suncheon, Jeollanam-do Province on the northern foot of Mt. Jogyesan 조계산 曹溪山, Songgwangsa is considered the "jewel" (Samgharatna) of the Korean monastic community. It is one of the trio of Three Jewels Temples representing “the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha" together with Tongdosa and Haeinsa Temples.  


Tomb-stupa of Bojo Jinul at Songgwangsa  

Bojo Jinul 보조지눌 普照知訥 (1158–1210) is considered to be the most influential figure in the formation of Korean Seon (Zen) Buddhism 한국선불교. As the founder of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, by working to unify the disparate sects in Korean Buddhism into a cohesive organization at Songgwangsa. 

Thus Songgwangsa is the home of Korean Zen Buddhism, Jinul is its founder.   

