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쑥대밭 재동국민학교와 명동, 6.25가 남긴 상흔 폐허로 변한 명동. 1952. 임인식 촬영 쑥대밭 재동초등학교. 1953. 임인식 촬영 한국전쟁 서울 피해상황 이런 데서 일어난 나라는 기적이라 불러야 한다. 예수도 꿈도 꿀 수 없는 일이었고 어벤져스 군단도 이룩할 수 없던 일이었다. 기적 그 이상의 기적이다. 2023. 6. 27.
Leather Bag from Loulan Kingdom 가죽주머니 革製囊 Leather Bag 누란樓蘭 시대미상 가죽, 털실 본관4123 Loulan Dates unknown Leather, woolen thread bon 4123 housed at the National Museum of Korea 아래쪽은 넓고 위쪽은 좁은 형태로 상부와 하부에 바느질 자국이 남아 있다. 이런 가죽 주머니는 《사기》 제66권 오자서伍子胥 전에 등장하는 치이鴟夷와 유사하다. 치이는 모양이 올빼미의 배처럼 불룩하다 해서 붙은 이름으로, 말가죽을 이용하여 만든 휴대용 주머니다. 유목민이 소금이나 물을 담는 용도로 사용했을 가능성이 있다. This leather bag, with a narrow top that flares down to form a wider bottom, re.. 2023. 4. 15.
Bier 喪輿(상여, sang-yeo), Limousine for the underworld Bier Biers were used for transporting the bodies of the deceased to burial sites and were in small and large sizes. Initially carts were pulled by oxen, horses, or people, but the Jujagarye(Family Rites by Zhu Xi) changed the custom so that the biers were carried on people's shoulders. A bier resembled a palanquin and had long poles on both sides to be shouldered by 12 to 24 pallbearers. Most vi.. 2021. 3. 19.
Anticipating blossom-covered Spring Last spring, I broke through the 1st Corona Pandemic wave to invade Gyeongju as I could not stand the spring. When I entered Bulguksa Temple, a squishy spring opened up a paradise. 2021. 2. 14.
Flaming Mountains 火焰山 화염산 The Flaming Mountains (火焰山 화염산) or Gaochang Mountains, are barren, eroded, red sandstone hills in the Tian Shan of Xinjiang. They lie near the northern rim of the Taklamakan Desert and east of the city of Turpan. Their striking gullies and trenches caused by erosion of the red sandstone bedrock give the mountains a flaming appearance at certain times of the day. The mountains are approximately 1.. 2020. 7. 6.
Three-story Stone Stupa from Seungsogol Valley of Mt. Namsan, Gyeongju Three-story Stone Stupa from Seungsogol Valley 慶州南山僧烧谷三层石塔 경주 남산 승소골 삼층석탑 From Seungsogol Valley of Mt. Namsan, Gyeongju Housed at the National Museum of Gyeongju Unified Silla Period, late 9th century Height 3.77m This stone stupa was found collapsed at a temple site in Seungsogol Valley where deep end of Mt. Namsan's slope, Gyeongju, and was moved to the museum and restored. Part of the stupa .. 2020. 6. 22.