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원앙鴛鴦 Mandarin Ducks, from Conjugal Harmony to Adultery

by taeshik.kim 2019. 11. 7.

Chundangji Pond at Changdeokgung Palace, Seoul
창덕궁 춘당지 昌德宮春塘池

Mandarin duck is a representative bird symbolizing the good relationship of couple in the East Asian world.

Thus mandarin duck was also decorated on the blanket and pillows covered by the newlyweds.

However, recent scientific research reveals other aspects of mandarin ducks.

Females are said to mate with other males when they have a break. 

It is said that up to 10% of offspring are born with extramarital affairs.

부부 금슬의 상징이라는 원앙. 그리하여 신혼부부 이불이나 베게를 장식하기도 하지만.....
실제는 달라, 암컷은 틈만 나면 불륜을 저지르니, 혼외정사로 낳는 새끼가 전체 10%에 달한다고 한다.


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