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제 7차 남아시아 고고학회 초록 모집: 온라인 학회로 전환

by 신동훈 識 2020. 6. 20.

3 년에 한번씩 개최되던 남아시아 고고학회 제 7차 회의가 당초 스리랑카에서 열릴 예정이었습니다만 올해 코로나 바이러스 관계로 온라인 학회로 전환되었다고 합니다. 주최측에서 전해온 Call for Papers를 아래에 게재합니다. 

1st Circular

7th International Congress of the Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA)

Webinar (18-19th September – 2020)

Organized by

University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka In collaboration with

Swami Indian Vivekananda Cultural Centre High Commission, Colombo, Sri Lanka

The Biannual International Congress of the Society of South Asia is due this year. Sri Jayewardenepura University, Colombo was to organize conference this year jointly with Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka. However, the Executive Committee of the SOSAA has decided to go for Web Conference as due to the spread of severe Corona Pandemic, holding conference of the Society of South Asian Archaeology physically is not possible. We are now happy to announce that the Sri Jayewardenepura University, Colombo in collaboration with Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Indian High Commission in Sri Lanka has decided to conduct International Web Conference from 18-19th September 2020. On the behalf of the organizing committee, we warmly invite Archaeologists, Scientists, Anthropologists and scholars working on the topics, related to history, Archaeology and Anthropology of South Asia. The SOSAA brings Archaeologists, Historians, Anthropologists and Social scientists on one platform to discuss some common issues related to population movements, cultural interaction, trade exchange, the impact of climate on cultures, social formation etc. This will provide an opportunity to exchange data, ideas and insights into recent discoveries made in the last couple of years in South Asia. A comprehensive picture of the history of South Asia will emerge only when we decide to share new research and discoveries. The South Asian countries share a common cultural heritage and we will not get proper perspective if it is studied in isolation. The previous six conferences of SOSAA were highly successful because of direct interaction and dialogue between scholars from various South Asian countries including Iran. In the Web Conference, we are planning, we expect large participation of scholars and students from all over the world to discuss the current research findings, achievements and also to decide the future course of action in archaeology. Please note that only life members of SOSAA will be able to present a paper in this Web Conference. 

Those interested in presenting the paper may become a member of SOSSA. Non Members can only participate. The Registration Fee is as follows: SOSAA Members - Rs. 1000 Non-SOSAA Members - Rs. 1500 The Registration fees will have to be electronically transferred at the following SOSAA Account: Central Bank of India: Account no. 1156862662, IFSC code – CBIN0280664, Yerwada Branch, 161, Yerwada, Pune-411006.

The second circular of the 7th International Congress of SOSAA will be issued jointly by Department of History and Archaeology University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Colombo and Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Selected articles will be published in the Proceedings of the 7th SOSAA Congress. The guidelines and style sheet will be sent to the participants after notifying acceptance of abstracts.

Provisional Broad Topics

• Prehistory

• Physical Anthropology

• Environmental Archaeology

• Protohistoric and Early Historic Archaeology

• Settlement Archaeology

• Maritime Archaeology

• Ancient Literature and Languages

• Architecture and Art History

• Epigraphy and Numismatics

• Heritage Management and Conservation

• Ancient Technology and Computer Application

• Museum Studies and Development

• Archaeology of Indian Ocean Interaction Sphere

• Folklore and Ethnology

• Special sessions on Rakhigarhi, Rajagala Archaeological Research Project, Archaeology of Sri Lanka: Recent Perspective and Archaeology of Buddhism

Guidelines for Authors

• Papers are invited on the topics outlined. The abstract text of not more than 350 words should mention the keywords, research problem and methodology.

• The abstract should be submitted on this email: sosaaindia@gmail.com

• Please include your name, affiliation, complete address, e-mail id, contact number and conference topic on all communications related to the 7th International Congress Webinar.

Important dates: 

Opening dates of submission of abstracts - 25th June 2020 

Closing date for submission of abstracts – 25th July 2020 

Notification date of acceptance of abstracts – 5th August 2020 

Submission of research articles – 10th September 2020

Prof. Vasant Shinde President

Society of South Asian Archaeology (SOSAA)

