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National Museum of Korea4

National Museum of Korea to Exhibit Ancient Earthen Vessels and Figurines ‘Compa Shedding Fresh Light on Meaning Beyond Form The National Museum of Korea will open an exhibition of figurative pottery and clay figurine-decorated pottery from the ancient kingdoms of Silla and Gaya on May 26, highlighting their symbolic usage in funerary rituals and the journey of the deceased to the afterlife. The exhibition, entitled “Companions on the Eternal Journey: Earthenware Figurines a.. 2023. 5. 25.
Shedding New Light on the Habsburgs at the Heart of European History Shedding New Light on the Habsburgs at the Heart of European History - The National Museum of Korea to Present the Special Exhibition Six Centuries of Beauty in the Habsburg Empire - - Title: Six Centuries of Beauty in the Habsburg Empire - Period: October 25 (Tue.), 2022 – March 1 (Wed.), 2023 - Venue: Special Exhibition Gallery in the National Museum of Korea - Displayed Works: 96 items includ.. 2022. 10. 25.
Relics excavated from 1,300 year old Astana Tombs on display in Seoul Excavated objects from 1,300 year old Astana Tombs on display 연합뉴스 / 2022-07-16 17:08:08 Excavated objects from 1,300 year old Astana Tombs on display SEOUL, July 16 (Yonhap) -- Astana tombs were found in Turpan, northeast of Xinjiang, China.Presumed to be a cemetery for the ruling class from the 3rd to 8th centuries, various relics such as wooden ... k-odyssey.com Presumed to be a cemetery for .. 2022. 7. 17.
Buddhist Paintings and Sculptures of Joseon Period by National Museum of Korea 명품 불상·불화 남기고 잊혀간 '조선의 승려 장인' 재발견(종합) 박상현 / 2021-12-06 17:16:23 국립중앙박물관 특별전…국보·보물 15건 등 자료 145건 공개 1684년作 용문사 목각설법상 첫 나들이…"불교미술 아름다움 느끼길" 명품 불상·불화 남기고 잊혀간 ′조선의 승려 장인′ 재발견(종합) 국립중앙박물관 특별전…국보·보물 15건 등 자료 145건 공개1684년作 용문사 목각설법상 첫 나들이…"불교미술 아름다움 느끼길"(서울=연합뉴스) 박상현 기자 = 조선은 유교를 숭상하고 불교를 k-odyssey.com NATIONAL MUSEUM OF KOREA PRESS RELEASE National Museum to Spotlight the World of Monk Artisans Buddhis.. 2021. 12. 8.