On the 14th, a huge amount of dead squid was found on a beach in Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, located on the east coast of the central Korean peninsula.
These squids, which are about 4 to 5 cm long, were found over a 500-meter section of white sand.
This kind of squid species lives in deep seas with a depth of 200 to 600 m, and are known to be only 7 cm in size when they become adult.
This is not the first time that a large swarm of dead squid has been pushed out of the east coast of Gangwon-do.
In December 2013, a similar incident occurred at a nearby beach in Sokcho.
Oceanographers believe that this phenomenon is caused by Upwelling, which involves wind-driven motion of dense, cooler, and usually nutrient-rich water from deep water towards the ocean surface, replacing the warmer, usually nutrient-depleted surface water.
An official from the National Institute of Fisheries Science said, "The squids pushed out of the beach is not the Japanese common squids mainly caught in the east coast, but the firefly squids." "There is a high possibility that they was pushed to the coast because they could not withstand the rapid changes in water temperature and air pressure."
강원 고성 해변 뒤덮은 죽은 매오징어…원인은?
송고시간2021-01-14 15:12 이종건 기자
해수 뒤집히는 용승현상이 원인 …2013년 속초해변에 이어 두 번째
강원 고성 해변 뒤덮은 죽은 매오징어…원인은? | 연합뉴스
강원 고성 해변 뒤덮은 죽은 매오징어…원인은?, 이종건기자, 사회뉴스 (송고시간 2021-01-14 15:12)
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