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원이 엄마가 남편 이응태에게 보낸 편지

by 세상의 모든 역사 2019. 1. 2.

원이엄마가 남편 이응태한테 보낸 편지 현대 한국어 번역과 영어번역 



Letter by Won's Mom to his Husband (replica)



Letter to Won's daddy by Won’s Mom, 1568 


A. 한국어 번역 


원이 아버지에게


병술년(1586년) 유월 초하룻날 아내가


당신 언제나 나에게 둘이 머리 희어지도록 살다가 함께 죽자 고 하셨지요. 그런데 어찌 나를 두고 당신 먼저 가십니까? 나와 어린아이는 누구의 말을 듣고 어떻게 살라고 다 버리고 당신 먼저 가십니까? 당신 나에게 마음을 어떻게 가져왔고 또 나는 당신에게 어떻게 마음을 가져 왔었나요? 함께 누우면 언제나 나는 당신에게 말하곤 했지요. 여보, 다른 사람들도 우리처럼 서로 어여삐 여기고 사랑할까요? 남들도 정말 우리 같을까요? 어찌 그런 일들 생각하지도 않고 나를 버리고 먼저 가시는가요? 당신을 여의고는 아무리해도 나는 살수 없어요. 빨리 당신께 가고 싶어요. 나를 데려가 주세요. 당신을 향한 마음을 이승에서 잊을 수가 없고, 서러운 뜻 한이 없습니다. 내 마음 어디에 두고 자식 데리고 당신을 그리워하며 살 수 있을까 생각합니다. 이내 편지 보시고 내 꿈에 와서 자세히 말해주세요. 꿈속에서 당신 말을 자세히 듣고 싶어서 이렇게 써서 넣어 드립니다. 자세히 보시고 나에게 말해 주세요. 당신 내 뱃속의 자식 낳으면 보고 말할 것 있다하고 그렇게 가시니 뱃속의 자식 낳으면 누구를 아버지라 하라시는 거지요? 아무리 한들 내 마음 같겠습니까? 이런 슬픈 일이 하늘 아래 또 있겠습니까? 당신은 한갓 그곳에서 가 계실 뿐이지만 아무리 한들 내 마음 같이 서럽겠습니까? 한도 없고 끝도 없어 다 못쓰고 대강만 적습니다. 이 편지 자세히 보시고 내 꿈에 와서 당신 모습 자세히 보여주시고 또 말해 주세요. 나는 꿈에는 당신을 볼 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 몰래와서 보여주세요. 하고 싶은 말 끝이 없어 이만 적습니다. 


현대어로 옮김 : 임 세권 (안동대학교 인문대학 사학과 교수)






B. 영어번역 




1. by Jeongwoo Lee 


Dear Won's daddy, June, 1586

You always told me to live together until our hair turn gray, and die together. Then how could you pass away so early, leaving me behind alone? How could my little children and I survive without you? Do you remember how you gave your heart to me and how I gave mine to you? At night I used to whisper to you, "Do other people care for and love each other as much as we do? Can they also love each other the same way as we do?” Then how could you leave me alone in this way? I don't believe I can live without you. The only thing I can think of now is follow to you. Please take me where you are. My heart toward you cannot survive in this life and my grief cannot perish. I wonder how I would nourish our children lulling myself without you. Please find this letter, and come to me in my dream to answer me all about these matters. This is why I'm enclosing this letter in your grave. Read it carefully and tell me everything I want to hear from you. One day you told me you had something to tell our unborn baby, but you left so suddenly. Who can then this baby call Daddy? Whatever I try, can anyone understand all of my sorrow and grief? How can this possibly happen on earth? You just moved to the other world, but is your heart grieving as much as mine? I had no way to express all my endless grief, and wrote this letter only roughly and hastily. Once again, please read this letter carefully, and show up in my dream to tell me everything that I wish to hear from you. At least, I believe that I should be able to see you in my dream. Come to me in my dream secretly. I have so many things to say, but I am closing now.


Lovingly yours, Won’s Mom


2. by Dr. Jaehyup Kim, Pro. Segwon Im, Pro. Donghoon Shin Antiquity


To Father of Won; 

You always said we would be living together to die on the same day. However, why did you go to heaven alone? Why did you go alone, leaving me and our child behind? Whenever we slept together at night, I always said to you: Dear, do the other couples love each other like us? Love each other as we do? If you remembered my words, how could you go alone, leaving me behind? I can’t live without you any longer. I hope I can be with you. Please let me go with you. My love for you, it’s unforgettable in this world. And my sorrow, it’s without end. I can’t live alone with our child, missing you from now on. Please read my letter, and give me your answer in my dream. Since I hope to hear your words in my dream, I placed this letter in your coffin, to send with you. Please read my letter, and give me your answer in my dream. You said you had a message for our nascent child, after his birth. How can you go alone without a word for him? My child in my pregnancy, to whom could he say daddy after his birth? Can I tell all my sorrow in this letter? Is there any more sorrowful thing in this world? You are now living in heaven. However, you should not be sorrowful as I am. Only a bit of my love for you can I write down here, in my letter. Please read my letter, and come into my dream. Please show your face in my dream, and say your words to me. I believe you must come into my dream. Please come into my dream and show your face, my dear. I have endless words for you, though this letter must be ended. 

From home 

June 1, 1586





3. by Hyung-eun Kim


To Won's Father

June 1, 1586

You always said, "Dear, let's live together until our hair turns gray and die on the same day. How could you pass away without me? Who should I and our little boy listen to and how should we live? How could you go ahead of me? How did you bring your heart to me and how did I bring my heart to you? Whenever we lay down together you always told me, "Dear, do other people cherish and love each other like we do? Are they really like us?" How could you leave all that behind and go ahead of me? I just cannot live without you. I just want to go to you. Please take me to where you are. My feelings toward you I cannot forget in this world and my sorrow knows no limit. Where would I put my heart in now and how can I live with the child missing you? Please look at this letter and tell me in detail in my dreams. Because I want to listen to your saying in detail in my dreams I write this letter and put it in. Look closely and talk to me. When I give birth to the child in me, who should it call father? Can anyone fathom how I feel? There is no tragedy like this under the sky. You are just in another place, and not in such a deep grief as I am. There is no limit and end [to my sorrows] that I write roughly. Please look closely at this letter and come to me in my dreams and show yourself in detail and tell me. I believe I can see you in my dreams. Come to me secretly and show yourself. There is no limit to what I want to say and I stop here. (from https://archive.archaeology.org/1003/abstracts/korea.html





4. by Prof. Yi Ch'ang-u


The letter written by his wife to Yi Ung-t'ae, in 1586


To Won's father

June, 1586


You were always telling me, "Dear, we will live to grow our hair gray till the same one day when you and I die together."  Then why should you go ahead, leaving me alone behind? Why should you when my little children and I have no one to rely on for the life ahead of us? Do you still remember how your heart dwelt in mine and my heart in yours? I used to say to you when we were together for the night, "Can other people care for and love each other as we do? Can they, really , the same way as we do?" How could you leave me in this way , without taking any consideration? I don't think I am able to live this life without you. The only thing I can think of for now is fly to you . Please take me where you are. My heart toward yours, this is the last thing I can for get on this earth. In my sorrowful heart remains only an endless grief. I wonder how I can live with our children, thinking of you , with no heart to lull mine . Please answer me all these even in my dreams as soon as you read this letter. This is the reason I'm enclosing  this letter in your grave , wishing you would come home in my dreams and tell me everything I want to hear from you. Once you told me there would be something you had to tell this unborn baby after it would come to this world, but you have gone so suddenly. And who do you think I can teach it to call Daddy? How can you try to understand all of my sorrow and grief? Where under the sun can these happen? You only passed away to the other world, but is your heart grieving as much as mine? I cannot write down my endless grief, and only roughly and hastily can I do it . As I t old you, when you read this letter carefully, please show me your person in my dreams, and tell me every thin g I want to hear . I am so sure that I can see you in my dream. Oh dear, come secretly, will you? And show yourself. Closing this letter, I have too many things unsaid. Good bye .


Lovingly yours. Your wife


