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Bong Joon-ho and 'Parasite's day tomorrow?

by taeshik.kim 2020. 2. 9.

Will 'Parasite' end with stellar finale at Oscars?

Movies 09:00 February 09, 2020

When Bong Joon-ho's tragic comedy thriller "Parasite" debuted at Cannes and won the Palme d'Or in May last year, nobody anticipated that the South Korean film would contend for best picture and five other awards at the 92nd Academy Awards nine months later.

It is nominated in six categories at this year's Oscars: best picture, best director, best screenplay, best editing, best production design and best international feature film.

It will be a history-making event if "Parasite" wins an award at the Oscars on Sunday (local time) as no other South Korean film has even been nominated for an Oscar despite Seoul's booming movie industry and international successes.

'기생충' 오스카 트로피 몇 개 들어 올릴까

2020-02-09 07:00 

101년 한국 영화 역사, 92년 아카데미상 역사도 새로 쓰나

국제영화상 이외에 작품성·감독상 수상 가능성도 거론

올해 제92회 아카데미상(오스카상) 시상식은 한국시간 10일(월) 오전 10시에 시작하며 TV조선이 생중계한다. 

