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Shinan Shipwreck 신안선 해저유물 新安船海底遺物

by taeshik.kim 2020. 1. 7.



Shinan Shipwect Undersea Remains (Reproduction)


It is a reproduction of a part of underwater relics discovered from the Shinan Shipwrect. Since the 3rd survey in 1977, the Shinan Underwater Cultural Heritage Research Group had been continuing the excavation work by installing grids centered on the shipwreck for a systematic investigation. A grid, which is 6m x 4m in size, has 6 cells divided into 2m² each. There were 76 grids on the SHinan Shipwrect area, each with its own symbol and number. The current state is reproduced on the basis of the layout of grids N1 and N2.

National Museum of Korea

바다속 신안해저문화재의 모습(재현전시)

바다속에 잠겨 있다 발견된 신안해저문화재 모습 일부를 재현한 것이다. 신안해저문화재조사단은 1977년 3차 조사 때 이후 체계적인 조사를 위해 신안해저선 선체를 중심으로 격자 모양인 grid를 설치했다. 하나당 크기가 6m x 4m인 grid는 내부에 2㎡ 크기로 나뉜 6개 칸이 있었다. grid는 신안해저선에 모두 76개가 설치되었고, 각각의 grid에는 고유의 기호와 번호가 부여됐다. 현재의 모습은 N1과 N2로 명명된 grid의 문화재 배치 모습을 근거로 출토 당시 유물을 재현한 것이다.

The Shinan shipwreck 新安船

In 1975, the discovery of Chinese ceramics in the sea near Shinan launched a series of underwater excavations close to the Korean peninsula. They revealed a shipwreck which was subsequently explored and salvaged over nine summers, from 1976 to 1984. It belonged to a Chinese merchant ship from the 14th century AD which had sunk on its way along the sea Silk Road. Inside the ship, over 20 000 pieces of ceramics and a large number of other objects were found. After the wreck had been raised, it was reconstructed at the Mokpo Conservation Institute for Maritime Archaeological Finds in South Korea.

