이하는 서울역사박물관 3.1운동 100주년 기념특별전 《서울과 평양의 3·1운동》(2019)에 의한다.
3.1운동 : the March 1st Independence Movement
서울역사박물관 : the Seoul Museum of History
한국병합 : the Annexation of Korea
기념화보 : illustration commemorating ~
황실화보皇室畵寶 : Pictorial of the Imperial Family
동양척식주식회사(동척) : the Oriental Development Company
동척10년사 : Ten Year History of the Oriental Development Company
교직원 : the Teaching Staff
심상소학교 : public elementary school
조선경찰실무요서 : Summary of Administrative Affairs of Korean Police
대동단결선언 : Declaration of Great Solidarity
이태왕전하국장성의李太王殿下國葬盛儀 : Grand Procession of King Gojong's National Funeral
덕수궁국장화첩德壽宮國葬畵帖 : Photo Album of King Gojong's National Funeral
민족자결주의 : the self-determination right of nations
독립운동가 : a pro-independence activist
파리강화회의 : the Paris Conference of 1919
청원서 : a petition (on Korean indepence)
신한청년단 : the New Korean Young Men's Party
독립청원서 : Petition - the Claim of the Korean People and Nation
2.8 독립선언서 : Faburary Eight Declaration of Independence
민족대회소집청원서 : Petition for Summoning a National Conference
천도교 : Cheondogyo ("Religeon of the Heavenly Way")
동학 : Donghak ("Eastern Knowledge")
조선독립선언서 : Korean Declaration of Independence (당시 영문판은 the Proclamation of Korean Independence)
민족대표 : coalition representives
3.1 독립선언서 : the Declaration of Independence on March 1st
대한독립선언서 : Korean Declaration of Independence
대한국민의회 : Korean National Council
대한국민의회 독립선언서(제1선언서) : the Declaration of Korean National Council(1st Declaration)
삼세삼창 : "manse sanchang" or three cheers
민족대표 33인 : 33 National Representives
의암성사 병상일지義庵聖師病床日誌 : Clinical Diary of Son Byeong-hi
탑골공원 : Pagoda Park
기성도箕城圖 : Map of Pyeongyang
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