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Gongsanseong Fortress Excavated

by taeshik.kim 2019. 12. 24.

공주 공산성 쌍수정 주변서 백제시대 출입시설 나타났다

송고시간 | 2019-12-24 09:13

폭 3∼5m 길 양쪽에 길이 50m 흙다짐…"궁의 문 추정"

Access Facilities from Baekje era near Ssangsujeong Pavilion at Gongsanseong Fortress

50m in length on both sides of the road, 3-5m wide, Gate of the palace? 

From Gongsanseong Fortress, which is located on the banks of the Geum River at Gongju, the city called Woongjin during the Baekje period and the second capital of this kingdom, archaeologists have discovered a long entrance facility from the Baekje era. 

Researchers from the Gongju University Museum excavated this year the area around Ssangsujeong Pavilion at the fortress, considered by some scholars as the royal palace during the Woongjin period, to find traces of large-scale construction works. Ssangsujeong (雙樹亭) was built in 1735 and in the south and east of this pavilion there are ruins that are believed to be the palace of the Ungjin Baekje period. 

The access facilities found by the team were established in the east-west direction around Ssangsujeong, and were found to be highly structured on both sides of the road, 3 to 5 meters wide. The total size of the soil compaction is 50m in length, 36m in width and 3.5m in depth.

Soil compaction is a technique that strengthens the soil by repeating the process of stacking and compacting the soil. At Gongsandeong, the soil was piled up obliquely and again horizontally. 

Another feature found in the compaction is the installation of river boulders and crushed stones on slopes to prevent the loss of accumulated soil. Filter mats, building materials used to improve the stability of the soft ground, were applied. 

Lee Hyun-sook, a researcher of the Gongju University Museum, said that the entrance facility is believed to be the palace gate, or the two tall palaces installed next to the palace gate where the king stayed.

"Given the excavated artifacts, it seems that Baekje constructed the facility just after it moved the capital from Hanseong, the presentday Seoul to Woongjin."

"The gate-related facility can be seen as the largest site of its kind since excavations of Pungnaptoseong Fortress in Seoul." "Such facilities are known to be built at royal palaces, so this excavation shows that Gongsanseong was a royal palace" added she. 

The archaeologists also judged that the ground site under the Ssangsujeong building was built during the Baekje era. 

Baekje intentionally mowed the terrain and then formed a higher level than the ground. In Ssangsujeong Square, columns of more than 30 meters in length were identified as connected to entrance facilities. 

Lee said, "There is an area that has not been investigated yet, so it is difficult to know exactly the characteristics of the area around Ssangsuseong." 


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