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Hwangnyongsa Temple4

Hwangnyongsa Temple Site yields numerous Silla-era lanterns Numerous pieces of lanterns found in a waste pit near Hwangnyongsa Temple Numerous pieces of lanterns found in a waste pit near Hwangnyongsa Temple SEOUL, Nov. 25 (Yonhap) -- A number of lanterns from the Unified Silla period were excavated at the Hwangnyongsa Temple site, one of the largest Buddhist temples, in Gyeongju, about 370 kilometres sou ... k-odyssey.com Hwangnyongsa Temple was built d.. 2021. 11. 25.
Silla-era Gilt-Bronze Phoenix Padlock at Hwangnyongsa Temple Site Excavated Gilt-Bronze Phoenix Padlock at Hwangnyongsa Temple Site from the Silla and Goryeo era - The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Online Presentation of the Result of the Excavation in the Western Part of the West Corridor- The Gyeongju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage Researcher Park Sung-Jin (054-777-8805), Researcher Jeong Yeo Seon (054-622-1740).. 2020. 11. 25.
우화이등선 from 황룡사 Hwangryongsa Temple Site in Gyeongju 慶州皇龍寺址 2015. 7. 23 경주 황룡사지 풍광이다. 적송자는 신발 남기고 훌훌 공중 부양했는데 나는 사진기 남기고 우화이등선했다. 왜? 등선登仙하기엔 사진기가 지나치게 무거바서였다. The construction of Hwangnyongsa Temple, located east of Wolseong in Gyeongju, was begun in 553 during the reign of King Jinheung (540-576) of the Silla Dynasty to honor a yellow dragon that is said to have appeared at the building site. At the time of it.. 2020. 7. 23.
Hwangnyongsa Temple revived with digital augmentation technology 증강현실(AR)로 되살아난 신라 최대 사찰 '황룡사' | 연합뉴스 증강현실(AR)로 되살아난 신라 최대 사찰 '황룡사', 임동근기자, IT.과학뉴스 (송고시간 2020-07-22 09:00) www.yna.co.kr Digital restoration of structures of Hwangnyongsa Temple, the largest temple of the Silla Dynasty - Digital restoration of the Middle Gate and Roofed Corridor by NRICH - Korea's first ever life-size digital restoration of a historic site The National Research Institute of Cult.. 2020. 7. 22.