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A menstrual Tomb? 달거리하는 무덤

by taeshik.kim 2020. 12. 7.

부부가 쌈박질을 하면 피를 흘리기 마련.
양산 북정동 고분군 중 저 얖쪽이 그 유명한 부부총이다.

(2013. 12. 7)




이 부부총은 묘한 점이 이 무렵 저 시간대에는 저리 사진이 박힌다는 사실이다. 저건 카메라 어떤 조작도 가하지 아니했다. 왜 저런지 나는 모르겠다. 


Bubuchong Tomb in Bukjeong-ri, Yangsan


Bubuchong, or the tomb for a man and his wife excavated by the Japanese is included among ancient tumuli and; in 1990, were again investigated. As a result, the tomb was verified to have a front-open stone chamber. Bubuchong is a large tomb located in the upper part of the mountain, with the inner chamber and ceiling were painted white, exuding grace. The exquisite relics excavated in the tomb including the golden crown, and golden accessories are similar to those found in the large tombs of the Gyeongju area. The husband as a head of the family died in the middle 5th century, and the tomb was built. When his wife died in the late 5th century, she seemed to have been buried next to the dead husband together. Judging from the relics excavated, the corpse is considered as a person closely related to the central government or the corresponding relative.

