고흥 무덤서 나온 왜계 갑옷·투구, 1천600년만에 재현
박상현 / 2021-06-27 10:00:28
국립나주문화재연구소, 야막고분 출토품 연구 과정서 제작
고흥 무덤서 나온 왜계 갑옷·투구, 1천600년만에 재현
(서울=연합뉴스) 박상현 기자 = 전남 고흥의 한 고분에서 발견된 약 1천600년 전 갑옷과 투구 재현품이 만들어졌다.국립나주문화재연구소는 고흥군 풍양면 야막고분에서 출토한 삼국시대 갑주(甲
A replica of the 1,600 year old armor and helmet found in an ancient tomb in Goheung, Jeollanam-do, was made about 1,600 years ago.
The Naju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage announced on the 27th that it produced a reproduction while studying the technology of making armor and helmet excavated from the Yamak Ancient Tomb in Pungyang-myeon, Goheung-gun.
The Yamak Ancient Tomb is located at the top of the hill overlooking Goheung Bay. During the excavation investigation in 2012, many artifacts related to ancient Japan were excavated, surprising the academic community. Through this, it was estimated that the owner of the tomb was either a Japanese figure or a person who closely interacted with the Japanese.
Among the excavated artifacts, a cultural asset that attracted particular attention was Gapju (set of armor and helmet), which is believed to have been made during the early 5th century. Gapju and weapons were identified in the burial space of relics at the feet of the deceased.
Pankap, armor protecting the body, was erected. The armor protecting the shoulders, the armor protecting the neck and chest, and the helmet had fallen sideways.
The armor reproduced by the institute was made by making holes in long horizontal and triangular steel plates and connecting them with leather straps. The helmet is shaped like a bird's beak with a protruding front.
The iron plate of the armor reproduction made with the Chungcheongnam-do Institute of History and Culture is 2mm thick and lacquered five times. It weighs 4.4kg in armor and 1.6kg in pitch.
The institute used various methods such as microscopic analysis, X-ray penetration analysis, and three-dimensional laser scanning during the research process. This inferred the order of connection and knotting of corroded materials and appurtenances. Traces of bird feathers and a cover that blocked both cheeks have been found on the helmet.
An official from the Naju National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage explained, "The deceased of the Goheung Yamak Ancient Tomb is believed to be an adult male about 160 centimeters tall."
The institute will display Yamak Ancient Tomb armor and helmet reproductions from the 28th to the 9th of next month at schools that won the "Three Kingdoms Age Armor and Helmet Making Handcrafts (UCC) Contest."
The video of the production process was released through the YouTube account of the National Research Institute for Cultural Heritage, and a research report on the production of armor will be published at the end of the year.
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