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Academic Advisory Consultation Report on the fourth excavation survey of NeungAngol Tumuli Site at Buyeo

by taeshik.kim 2019. 6. 7.

Tomb No. 3

The 2nd Academic Advisory Consultation Report on the fourth Excavation Survey of Neung-angol Tomb Site at Buyeo by the Baekje Culture Foundation, May 23rd, 2019 

扶餘陵안골古墳群四次発掘調査2次学術諮問会議の資料集(百濟古都文化財團) / 부여 능안골고분군 4차 발굴조사 2차 학술자문회의 자료집 (백제고도문화재단) 

Estimated Scope of the mound fo Tomb No. 3


부여능안골고분군 자문회의 자료집-압축됨.pdf

The north wall of the cahmber of Tomb No. 3

Refer to the following link for this press release.

부여 백제 지배층 무덤 무덤방, 점점 좁고 길어졌다(종합)

송고시간 | 2019-06-07 10:25

능안골 고분군 석실묘 5기 조사…무덤길은 점차 사라져

관에 쓴 못·고리·귀걸이 출토…"초기엔 추가장 고려해 조성"

