The Stone Drum Academy (Shigu shuyuan 石鼓書院 석고서원), also called Academy of Cultivated Talent Li (Li Xiucai shuyuan 李秀才書院 이수재서원), was one the the early Song period 宋 (960-1279) academies. The remains are to be found at the foot of Mt. Shigu 石鼓山 석고산 near Hengyang 衡陽 형양, Hunan 湖南 호남.
During the Tang period 唐 (618-907) there was a Daoist shrine in this place called Xungu Temple 尋真觀 심진관. Li Kuan 李寬 이관 (called Li Xiucai 李秀才 이수재, xiucai meaning metropolitan graduate) used this place to do his studies. In 997 Li Shizhen 李士真 이사진 erected a first school building on the site where Li Kuan's dwellings had been. In 1035 prefect (zhizhou 知州 지주) Liu Yuan 劉沅 유완 submitted a memorial to the throne and asked that Emperor Renzong 宋仁宗 송 인종 (r. 1022-1063) might grant the academy official status, present it a name board, and some land the income of which could serve to fund the school. The court agreed, and the Shigu Academy became one of the four great academies of the Song period (sometimes the Songyang Academy 嵩陽書院 숭양서원 is included in this number instead). In 1185 the buildings were renovated, but the school was destroyed by a fire in 1259.
During the Chunxi reign-period 淳熙 순희 (1174-1189) of the Southern Song 南宋 남송 (1127-1279), judicional commissioner (tixing 提刑 제형) Song Ruoshui 宋若水 송약수 (1131-1188) asked the great master Zhu Xi 朱熹 주희 (1130-1200) to compile statutes for the Academy, the Hengzhou Shigu shuyuan ji 衡州石鼓書院記 형주석고서원기, in which clear regulations were laid for the procedures of the courses and the examinations. At that time Dai Xi 戴溪 대계 (1141—1215) was director (shanzhang 山長 산장) of the Academy. He instructed his students in the Classic Lunyu 論語 논어 "Confucian Analects", and the results of the discourse in the lectures was written down and compiled as Shigu Lunyu wenda 石鼓論語問答 석고논어문답. Director Lin Geng 林畊 임정 compiled a vast commentary to the Classic Shangshu 尚書 상서 "Book of Documents" called Shangshu quanjie 尚書全解 상서전해.
During the Yuan period 元 (1279-1368) the Academy was not opened to the public, and the buildings were again destroyed before the foundation of the Ming empire 明 (1368-1644). The most important Yuan period directors were Deng Daren 鄧大任 등대임, Wang Fu 王複 왕복, Kang Zhuang 康莊 강장 and Cheng Jingzhi 程敬直 정경직.
In 1413 prefect Shi Zhong 史中 사중 rebuilt the school, which served as an educational place for wandering students. The complex was enlarged by Cai Runan 蔡汝楠 채여남 (1514-1565) in 1549, and again in 1612. Zhan Ruoshui 湛若水 담약수 (1466-1560) once came to the school as a visiting professor. Director Zhao Dazhou 趙大州 조대주 compiled new guidelines (guiyue 規約 규약) for the school, in which he gave instructions to learning and teaching, and to the curriculum. He had also printed the proceedings Heng-Xiang wenbian 衡湘問辨 형상문변 and Daji wenda 大極問答 대극문담.
Under the Qing dynasty 清 (1644-1911), governor (xunfu 巡撫 순무) Yuan Langyu 袁廊宇 원랑우 asked the imperial court for supporting the refounding of the Academy, as a public institution. In 1668 prefect Zhang Qixun 張奇勳 장기훈 enlarged the new school. The most important directors during the Qing period were Chen Shiya 陳士雅 진사아, Luo Ying 羅瑛 라영 and Liu Zuhuan 劉祖煥 유조환. There are three different prints of a local gazetteer surviving, all with the title of Shigu shuyuan zhi 石鼓書院志 석고서원지. At the end of the Qing period the Shigu Academy was transformed into a middle school (zhongxuetang 中學堂 중학당) and was soon called Nanlu Normal University (Nanlu shifan xuetang 南路師範學堂 남로사범학당).
Zhao Jiayi 趙家驥 (1996). "Shigu shuyuan 石鼓書院", in Feng Kezheng 馮克正, Fu Qingsheng 傅慶升, ed. Zhuzi baijia da cidian 諸子百家大辭典 (Shenyang: Liaoning renmin chubanshe), 1993.
石鼓书院(Shigu Academy),位于湖南省中南重要城市衡阳市石鼓区石鼓山,是湖湘文化发源地和湖南第一胜地,始建于唐元和五年(公元806年~公元820),迄今已有1200余年历史。
All of the attached pictures were taken when I visited the place on October 22, 2007.
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