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Tomb-stupa and Monument of Buddhist Saint Cheolgam (798~868 AD)

by taeshik.kim 2019. 10. 22.

Tomb-stupa of Buddhist Saint Cheolgam (798~868) at Ssangbongsa Temple, Hwasun

화순 쌍봉사 철감선사부도와 철감선사탑비명


Its roof

And his monument without its body

Located in a rural village at Hwasun County, South Jeolla Province, South Korea, Ssangbongsa was established by Zen Priest Cheolgam 澈鑑 in 868 during the Unified Silla era. 

A stone stupa, the tomb of Cheolgam, and his monument remain at the back of the hill behind the temple. 

Cheolgam Stupa 澈鑑禪師塔 from the Unified Silla era is an ornate octagonal monument where his cremated remains were buried. 

Cheolgam was born in 789 to a powerful local family. In 815, at the age of 17, he entered the priesthood. In 825, Cheolgam travelled to Tang China to study Zen Buddhism. Returning to Silla, he stayed at Ssangbongsa in 855 where he passed away in 868. 

A monument for recording the high priest's work from birth to death has been usually built besides his stupa, and consists of a turtle shaped base, a body stone, and a cap stone. Cheolgam's stupa and monument don't deviate from these customs or laws. 

This granite monument stands beside the stupa. Its foundation and cap stones remains whereas its body, a space for recording his life has been missing. A cloud-pattern and upside-down 32 lotus leaves are engraved on the base stone. 

On the front of the headstone are carved the Chinese characters reading "雙峰山故澈鑑禪師塔碑銘 쌍봉산 고 철감선사 탑 비명".

