On display at the lobby of the Yonhapnews Agency at Susongdong, Jongrogu, Seoul, the Nikon F-3 cameras and their Accessories, along with the photo taken with one of the cameras by Choi Geumyeung (최금영), a photographer of the Yonhapnews Agency of South Korea are the last witnesses of the tragedy.
The photo of Korean officials waiting for President Chun Duhwan at the Martyrs' Mausoleum to commemorate Aung San, one of the founders of independent Burma was taken just before the bombing to attempt to assassinate Chun Duhwan, the fifth president of South Korea, in Rangoon, Myanmar.
21 people died and 46 including Mr. Choi were injured in the attack orchestrated by North Korea.
The cameras' lenses is in a broken state, and there is still blood spilled by Choi Geumyeung at the time of the explosion.
The Korean officials on the photo were all killed.
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