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공주 백제고고학의 난제 두 가지

by taeshik.kim 2020. 12. 11.





공주 백제 고고학의 최대 난제를 나는 두 가지로 꼽거니와 

1. 공산성은 웅진 도읍기 왕성인가?
2. 정지산 유적은 무령왕의 빈전인가? 

로 정리한다. 



1966년 공산성 항공사진


나는 이에 대해서는 초지 일관 같은 생각을 지녔다. 

1. 공산성은 때려 죽어도 왕성이 아니다. 
2. 정지산 유적은 때려 죽어도 빈전이 아니다. 



정지산유적. 이건 볼짝없이 와치타워watchtower이다. 
정지산유적에서 바라본 공산성


왕성은 공주 시내 어딘가여야 하며 
무령왕 빈전은 이 왕성 어딘가 후미진 곳이었다.


(2015. 12. 11)




공산성은 왕궁을 배후에서 보위하는 군사시설이며, 정지산유적은 볼짝없이 와치타워 watchtower다. 



The biggest challenge related with Gongju Baekje Archeology is that I pick two things.

1. Is Gongsanseong Fortress the royal palace of Woongjin Baekje Kingdom?
2. Is the Jijisan Site the mortuary of King Muryeong?


I have been thinking about this all the time as follows. 


1. Gongsanseong Fortress can never be a royal palace.  
2. The Jungjisan Site can never be a mortuary.


The royal palace should be somewhere in Gongju city now, king Muryeong's mortuary should be inside the royal palace.

Gongsanseong Fortress is a military facility that protects the royal palace from behind, and the ruins at Mt. Jijisan are a watchtower.

