이집트서 1천800년 전 로마 시대 도시 유적 발굴
김상훈 / 2023-01-25 19:16:09
이집트서 1천800년 전 로마 시대 도시 유적 발굴
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Press release
January 24, 2023
Discovering the first complete residential city in East Luxor
The Egyptian archaeological mission, headed by Dr. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for Archeology, succeeded in uncovering a complete Roman era residential city, during the archaeological excavations in the area of the House of Yessi Andrews, adjacent to the Luxor Temple in the eastern bar of the city.
Dr. Mustafa Waziri가 이끄는 조사단이 완벽한 로마시대 주거 도시를 룩소르 동쪽 강안 룩소르 신전 근처 the House of Yessi Andrews 구역에서 찾아냈다.
And confirmed d Mustafa Waziri on the importance of the discovery as he unveiled the most important and oldest residential city in Eastern Bar in Luxor Governorate, which is an extension of the ancient city of Tiba, noting that during the archaeological excavations the mission found a number of residential buildings and bathroom towers from the second and third centuries AD, and a number of industrial and in-law workshops. The metals include a number of pots, water bottles, bells, pottery, grinding tools and Roman coins of copper and bronze.
고대 도시 Tiba에 속하는 이 구역에서 발견된 로마시대 흔적은 서기 2~3세기에 속하는 주거용 건물과 athroom towers(목욕탕 탑이라는 뜻인가?), 그리고 각종 작업장이다. 유물로는 도기류, 물병, 종, 숫돌 같은 가는 노구, 그리고 로마시대 동전이 있다.
and meet the d Mustafa Waziri is happy with the result of this season's excavations, noting that it is a very promising season, and that the mission will complete the excavation work on site which may lead to the uncovering of more secrets of this city.
발굴을 더 하겠다.
And on his side said Dr. Egypt's Director General of Archeology, Fathi Yassin, found inside the pigeon towers, discovered many pottery pots that were used as pigeons nests, which initial studies showed that they began to be used starting in the Roman era.
이 대목이 좀 흥미로운데 비둘기 타워랑 비둘기 집으로 이용한 도기류 흔적을 찾았다고.
It should be noted that the mission had begun completing excavation work this season in the Andrews area in September 2022 and had found during their previous excavation seasons a number of Byzantine-era amphors and ranges, as well as a collection of Roman bronze coins, a portion of a Roman-era wall and an old warehouse, and a number Another of the archaeological icons dating back to a different historical place.
이전 발굴조사에는 비잔틴시대 유물과 함께 로마시대에 속하는 것들인 동전과 벽체, 창고를 찾았다고.
Ministry of Tourism and Monuments
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