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중국고고박물관中国考古博物馆 개관

by taeshik.kim 2023. 9. 19.




중국 고고학 전문을 표방한 중국고고박물관中国考古博物이 그 수도 북경에서 개관한다. 운영 주체는 중국역사연구원中国历史研究院. 위치는 북경北京 올림픽공원奥林匹克公园 중심지.

고고 유물을 비롯한 관련 문물을 집중 전시하게 된다. 이들 자료는 “문명기원文明起源” “택자중국宅兹中国” “대국일통大国一统” “화융만방和融万方” “민족각성民族觉醒”이라는 다섯 개 주제 혹은 섹션으로 나누어 진열한다.

이들 섹션 타이틀만 봐도 이 박물관이 무엇을 지향하며 얼마나 정치적인지를 직감한다. 

이 박물관은 고고 전문을 표방한 중국 첫 박물관이라 한다. 다만, 중국의 박물관 상당수가 실은 고고 전문이라는 점에서 이는 단순한 수사로 봐야 한다. 

신식 박물관답게 그에 어울리는 여러 장치를 장착했으니 터치 스크린과 인터액팅 기술 등을 접목했다.

Opening hours

Every Tuesday to Sunday 9:00-16:30 (last admission at 16:00), Monday closed (except holidays, Spring Festival, May 1st, 11th, etc. will be subject to announcement).

It is open to the public from Wednesday to Sunday.

It is open to historical, archaeological, cultural and related organizations on Tuesday.

Reservation Method

China Archaeological Museum practises the real name system to make an appointment. Individual visitors can make an appointment 3 days in advance via China History Research Network (http://hrczh.cass.cn/) , WeChat account of China Archaeological Museum).

consultation telephone: 010-87421098


1. Subway: Line 8, 15 Olympic Park Station Exit D

2. Bus: No. 82, No. 419 and No. 538 Beichen East Road Station

Parking by car: Underground parking at Gate 2 of Olympic Park Central Area

Team car parking: Beijing Olympic Park P4 parking

Address: Building 1, No. 1 North National Stadium Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing (South Gate)

Notice of Visit

1. You need to make an appointment with your real name on WeChat account of China Archaeological Museum, and enter the museum with valid ID card.

2. Drunken or disheveled (over-exposed, wearing slippers, etc.) are not allowed.Minors, senior citizens, and people with mobility disabilities under the age of 14 must be accompanied by adults.

3. Please be aware of the safety inspection, flammable and explosive dangerous goods, controlled equipment and other prohibited items and pets are prohibited.No large luggage allowed.

4. Please do not chase, make noise, climb, lie down, throw away debris at will, consciously maintain environmental hygiene.Please do not eat or drink in the exhibition hall. Smoking is prohibited in all areas (except designated smoking areas).

5. It is prohibited to touch, deface, or destroy exhibits by crossing the fence. Please take good care of and use public facilities properly.

6. Do not take photos in areas marked with Prohibited Photography. Do not use flashlights, selfie sticks and stand-up photographic equipment without permission.

7. Begging, performing arts, waving flags, pulling banners, distributing, hanging, pasting advertisements and other activities or acts contrary to public order and good customs are prohibited.

8. Non-visiting activities such as lectures, performances, interviews, commercial filming, self-media live broadcasting, recording and broadcasting are prohibited without permission from the museum.Without permission, social organizations or individuals are prohibited from conducting explanatory activities in the museum.

9. To ensure the safety of electricity, please do not use the wall outlet inside the building to charge (except the designated charging area).

10. Strictly abide by the safety regulations of elevators, escalators and stairs.

11. Scooters, balance bikes, pulleys and electric wheelchairs are not allowed.

12. In case of special activities or emergencies, the site staff must guide the evacuation in an orderly manner.

13. In case of personal and property damage, the perpetrator will be investigated according to law.

