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5천년전 신석기시대 붉은간토기에서 옻 검출

by taeshik.kim 2019. 12. 13.

5천년전 밀양 토기서 옻 확인…"국내 최고 사례"

송고시간 | 2019-12-13 10:23

국립김해박물관·한국전통문화대 조사…"붉은 안료에 섞어 발라"

Lacquer from 5,000 year ago earthenware

5千年前の密陽土器で漆確認... 「国内最古事例」

5,000년전 신석기시대 붉은간토기

Dec. 13 (Seoul = Yonhap News)  Lacquer has been identified from the Neolithic pottery, which is estimated to have been made about 5,000 years ago. 

The oldest traces of lacquer in Korea were found at a relic from the 2,500 year ago Bronze Age dolmen located at Yeoksu-dong 7, Jeollanam-do. However, the survey revealed that the lacquer was used much earlier.


Researchers from the National National Museum of Gimhae and Korea National University of Cultural Heritage have found urushiol, the main component of lacquer, in a red burnished jar excavated at the Sinan historic site, Miryang City, while preparing the exhibition 'Ancient Colors and Lacquer', which was opened in June and ended in September. 

The same material was also detected from red earthenwares, excavated at the Geoje Nongso ruins and the Haman Dohangri site, whic they are estimated to be about 2,400 years ago. 

Researchers using infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography mass spectrometry have identified the benzene compounds, phenol compounds, and aliphatic hydrocarbon structures. These ingredients are known as urushiol constituents. 

창원 다호리 유적과 광주 신창동 유적 출토 초기철기시대 옻칠 칼집

Lacquer made from sap of the lacquer trees has a waterproof, fireproof, anti-corruption and gloss effect. It was a paint that has been obtained from nature since ancient times, but it has been avoided by people due to its poison. 

Lee Jehyeon, Gimhae national museum researcher said, "Urushiol component was observed from the red pigment, not from the painted layers," "it shows that lacquer was used with a mixture to make the pigment stick to earthenware, not by refined lacquer sap." 

"The examples of using lacquer by glue include the ruins from Shinchang-dong sites, Gwangju, and Changwon Dahori sites." "This research reveals that the existence and function of lacquer was recognized even during the Neolithic period, and the possibility of lacquering the vessel or object at that time could not be ruled out.", added he. 

