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Etruscan Bronze Mirror "patera cospiana"

by taeshik.kim 2019. 4. 9.

Etruscan bronze engraved mirror, known as the "patera cospiana", from Arezzo. University Collections, previousiy owned by Cospi 

The mirror was discovered in about 1650 inside a tomb, where it was being used as the lid of the funerary urn, and was placed in Marquis Cospi's collection. 

Because of its distinctive decorations and its inscriptions, it aroused much curiosity among scholars and was often mentioned and reproduced in manuscripts and printed material. From the 17th century, the mirror was known as a "patera" in cultured literature, because, at that time, it was thought that mirrors were paterae, or libration bowls. 

Certainly. the fact that it was mentioned in all principle works on Etruscan antiquities determined the patera's inclusion among the items removed to the Louvre during the Napoleonic requisitions. The decorated side shows the birth of Athena/Minerva, who is emerging in full armour from the head of Tinai (the Eturscan Zeus). 

350~300 BC 

Specchio etrusco di bronzo inciso, noto come “patera cospiana", da Arezzo.

Collezione Universitaria, già Cospi 

Housed at Museo Civico Archeologico - Bologna (Archaeological Civic Museum - Bologna) 

이탈리아 볼로냐 시립고고학박물관이 소장한 기원전 4세기 중후반 무렵 에트루리아시대 동경이다. 이 동경은 그 독특한 조각이 유명하지만, 그 발견 유전 내력도 주시할 만하다. 

1650년 무렵 한 무덤에서 발견됐으니, 항아리 뚜껑으로 쓴 상태였다. 재활용인 셈이다. 나폴레옹시대에 루브르박물관으로 옮겨졌다가 나중에 귀환했다. 

'파테라 코스피아나'라는 별칭이 있는 이 동경에는 명문이 있다. 

