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Mr. Lonely

by taeshik.kim 2020. 3. 26.

wonwonsa temple site


the site of wonwonsa temple, gyeongju

경주 원원사지 慶州遠願寺址


A temple built during the Unified Silla (668~935) once stood here at the foot of Bongseosan Mountain. Named Wonwonsa, the temple is believed to have been built by Buddhist Monks Anhye and Nangyung, who are followers of esoteric Buddhism, and Generals Kim Yusin, Kim Uiwon, and Kim Suljong as a place to pray for national security. A site of the main hall, two three-toried stone pagodas, a stone lantern, and some stupas can be found here.


A pagoda is located east of the temple site, and one, to the west. The two, restored during the Japanese colonial rule of Korea (1910~1945), are identical in size and sculptural embellishment. The overall construction and styling -- especially the two pillars carved on the upper and lower parts of the pedestals -- indicate that they were built during the Unified Silla Period (668~935). The figures carved on the upper part of the pedestals are the 12 figures of the Oriental zodiac, and the 4 figures carved on the first story of each pagoda are Lokapala, Guardian Kings of the Four Quarters, the world, and the Buddhist faith. Between two pagodas is a stone lantern.


Three bell-shaped stupas are in the valley 500m northeast of the temple site, with one in the valley 300m northwest of the site. All four are believed to date back to the Goryeo period (918~1392). Wonwonsa Temple had been one of the centers of esoteric Buddhism from the Unified Silla to the early Goryeo Period with Sacheonwangsa Temple erected by Monk Myeongnangbeopsa and Geumgwangsa Temple, and it seems to have remained until the late Joseon Dynasty (1392~1910). The workmanship of the pagoda serves as evidence that it was an elegant temple.


봉서산 기슭에 있는 통일신라시대의 절터이다. 원원사는 밀교의 후계자들인 안혜·낭융 들과 김유신·김의원·김술종 들이 뜻을 모아 국가의 평화를 기원하기 위하여 세웠다고 한다.

절터에는 금당이 있던 자리와 2기의 3층석탑과 석등 그리고 부도가 남아 있다. 탑은 동쪽과 서쪽에 있는데 규모와 형태가 거의 같으며 일제시대에 복원된 것이다. 탑에는 12지신상과 사천왕상을 새겨놓았는데, 그 수준이 매우 높아 통일신라시대 조각의 우수성을 알 수 있게 해준다.

두 석탑 사이에는 석등이 있고 4기의 부도가 동쪽과 서쪽 계곡에 나누어져 있으며 모두 고려시대 이후 것으로 보인다.

원원사는 명랑법사가 세운 사천왕사·금광사와 함께 통일신라시대에서 고려 전기까지 밀교의 중심이 되는 곳이었고 조선 후기까지 명맥이 이어져 온 것으로 보인다. 탑의 조각수준으로 보아 당시 품격있는 절이었음을 알게 한다.





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