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Unmunsa Temple, Cheongdo 청도 운문사 淸道雲門寺

by taeshik.kim 2020. 3. 13.

Unmunsa seen from Bukdae-am 북대암에서 바라본 운문사


Unmunsa Temple, Cheongdo, Gyeongsangbukdo Province
경북 청도 운문사 慶尙北道 淸道郡 雲門寺


Located at the foot of Mt. Hogeosan 호거산 虎踞山 (507 meters), Unmunsa is a Buddhist temple, which was built in the 21st year (560 AD) of the reign of King Jinheung of the Silla Kingdom. The temple had flourished during the Silla period, changed its name to Daejakgap-sa 대작갑사 大鵲岬寺 around the end of Silla. The current name was fixed  at the 20th year (937 AD) of the reign of King Taejo of the Goryeo Dynasty. 

Unmunsa has become the largest training center for biguni, female Buddhist monks in South Korea.


