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원주 거돈사지 原州居頓寺址 Geodonsa Temple Site, Wonju

by taeshik.kim 2020. 4. 6.

원주 거돈사지 原州居頓寺址

사적 제168호

Geodonsa Temple Site, Wonju

Historic Site No. 168

강원도 원주시 부론면 정산리

현계산 기슭 작은 골짜기를 끼고 들이 펼쳐진 곳에 있는 절터로 면적은 25,339㎡이다. 발굴조사 결과 신라 후기인 9세기경에 처음 지었고 고려 초기에 확장 · 보수되어 조선 전기까지 유지된 것으로 밝혀졌다. 절터에는 중문터, 탑, 금당터, 강당터, 승방터, 회랑 등이 확인된다. 금당은 앞면 5칸, 옆면 3칸으로 2층 건물이었을 것으로 보인다. 중문지 북쪽 삼층석탑(보물 제750호)은 사찰이 처음 들어설 때 만든 것으로 추정되고, 이는 신라 석탑의 전형적인 양식을 따른다. 사찰 뒤편 언덕에는 원공국사 지공(930 ~ 1018)의 묘탑인 원공국사승묘탑(보물 제190호)이 있다. 탑 동쪽에는 승묘탑과 함께 세운 원공국사승묘탑비(보물 제78호)가 있는데, 1025년 최충이 문장을 짓고 김거웅이 글씨를 썼다. 거돈사는 신라말 고려초 절터로서 보기 드문 일탑식 가람으로, 주목할 만한 곳이다.

Geodonsa Temple Site is located in a place surrounded by a small valley at the foot of Hyeongyesan Mountain and the area is 25,339㎡. This used to be the site of a temple constructed around the 9th century during the late Silla, expanded and repaired in the early Goryeo, and kept operational until the early Joseon Dynasty. The sites of the middle gate, pagodas, main hall, lecture hall, rooms for monks, and wide corridors were discovered, and the structure of the temple is believed to be a two-story building with 5 front rooms and 3 side rooms. 

The three-story Stone Pagoda (Treasure No.750) north of the middle gate is assumed to have been constructed at the same time the temple was built, following the typical construction style for the pagodas of the Silla Period. There is the pagoda of State Preceptor Wongong (National Treasure No. 190) built on the hill behind the temple, which is the tomb-stone of Jijong (930 ~ 1018). 

On the east of the pagoda is a Stele for State Preceptor Wongong (Treasure No. 78) in which contents of inscription were written by Choe Chung in 1025 and calligraphy was done by Kim Geo-ung. Geodonsa is a notable site since it had only one pagoda instead of the two as was usual in temples from the late Silla to the early Goryeo Periods.

