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Feast to commemorate 60th anniversary of passing state exam

by taeshik.kim 2023. 9. 28.

When he turned eighty-nine, Lee Gwangjeok 이광적 (1628-1717) held a banquet to celebrate the 60th anniversary of his passing the state examination 과거 科擧.

He invited senior nobleman (yangban) over the age of seventy to his house in Bukwon, Seoul (present-day Jongno-gu, in central Seoul).

Jeong Seon 정선, who lived near Bukwon at the time, meticulously painted scenes from this gathering to commemorate the banquet for the elders.

The album leaves depict old men seated inside a building along with their sons and grandsons.

On the stone foundations below the wooden floor of the building, female servants gather around small portable dining tables.

In the yard, sedan chair carriers and male servants wearing gat (traditional horsehair hat) are resting in separate groups.

This painting portrays a gathering of the era, providing an image of both the home of a yangban and some of the customs of the early 18th century.

A Feast Held in Honor of the Aged in Bukwon by Jeong Seon (1676-1759), after 1716 (Joseon Dynasty).

The painting is housed at the National Museum of Korea.

