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익산 쌍릉 益山雙陵 익산 쌍릉의 소왕묘와 대왕묘. 푹푹 찌는날, 스케일 바 삼을 사람을 기다렸으나 개미 새끼 한 마리 얼씬하지 아니한다. 무덤 크기를 가늠할 수 없다. 이럴 때 환장한다. (2017. 6. 25) 2020. 6. 25.
Songgwangsa Temple 순천 송광사 순천 송광사 順天松廣寺 Songgwangsa or Spreading Pine Temple is one of the three jewels of Korean Seon Buddhism. Located in South Jeolla Province on Mt. Jogyesan on the Korean Peninsula. Founded in 867 and reestablished in 1190 by Seon master Jinul, it has been a center for Korean seon Buddhism. 2020. 6. 25.
1,500 year old Baekje underground wooden storage unit This underground wooden storage unit was excavated in 2017 at a three Kingdom period fortress called Wiryeseong Fortress in Mt. Seonggeosan, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do Province. Before the excavation, there was a well inside the fortress called Yongsaem, literally "dragon well", where the storage facility was found. This wooden facility is rectangular when viewed from the air, measuring 550 cm i.. 2020. 6. 24.
Viking House in Dublin, 바이킹의 집 Reconstruction of Dublin Type One house The National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology, Dublin Model (1:10) of typical Dublin Viking Age type one house. Roof is lifted to show the standard subdivision of the floorspace and the roof-support system. Made by Liam Moore of RTE for the TV programme 'Dublin 1000 produced by Bill Skinner. Model donated by RTE. 더블린 소재 아일랜드국립고고학박물관이 전시 중인 바이킹시대 주거지 모형이다. 1.. 2020. 6. 24.
장성 삼서 잔디밭 우뚝한 금성나씨 삼강문 금성나씨 삼강문 錦城羅氏三綱門 전라남도 문화재자료 제128호 장성군 삼서면 우치리 259-2번지 Memorial Gate of Geumseong Na Clan Designation: Jeollanam-do Province Cultural Ileritage Material No. 128 Location: 259–2, Uchi-ri, Samseo-myeon, Junghong-gun County, Jeollanam-do Province 삼강三綱이란 군신君臣·부자父子·부부夫婦 사이에 기본이 되는 도리로 유교 도덕의 핵심이다. 이 삼강문은 금성나씨 가문 소속 인사들의 충忠과 효孝와 열烈의 정신을 표창하고자 세운 정려각旌閭閣이다. 곧 충신忠臣인 경성판관 나통서羅通緖(1572~1637), 효자孝子인 성균진사 나봉서羅.. 2020. 6. 24.
4,500 year old LURGAN LOGBOAT, DUGOUT CANOE Lurgan Logboat, DUGOUT CANOE Addergoole Bog, Lurgan, Co. Galway Housed at the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology, Dublin This unfinished vessel was found in Lurgan townland, Addergoole Bog, near Tuam, Co. Galway in 1902. It measures 15.25m in length and is one of the longest in Europe. It is made of a hollowed oak tree and is wider at the stern than at the bow. It has a central ridge runni.. 2020. 6. 23.